How To Find Who Is Behind A Fake Instagram Account

Complete Guide To Find Out Who Is Behind Fake Instagram Account


The growth of social media has created many opportunities for connection, but it has also created problems such as fake accounts. These accounts can be used for various nefarious purposes including harassment, impersonation and spreading misinformation. Identifying the person behind a fake Instagram account can be a complex and time-consuming process, but with the right tools and methods, it is possible to gather useful information. This comprehensive guide aims to provide detailed steps and strategies to help you uncover the identity behind a fake Instagram account.

Step by step investigation

1. Analyze account content and behavior

One of the first steps in identifying the person behind a fake Instagram account is to carefully analyze the account’s content and behavior. This can provide valuable clues about the identity of the account holder.

Posts and Headlines

  • Check Content: Review the types of content posted on the account. View images, videos, and text posts to understand frequently covered themes and topics. It can provide insight into the account holder’s interests and lifestyle.
  • Unique Phrases: Pay attention to the language used in the headlines. Unique phrases, slang or specific terms can sometimes be invented for a particular person or social group.

Comments and interactions

  • Review Comments: Analyze comments made on other profiles by a fake account. Look for patterns in interactions, such as frequent commenters or common topics discussed.
  • Recurring Names: Note recurring names or usernames in comments. These could be friends or associates of the person behind the fake account.

Stories and Highlights

  • View Stories: Instagram Stories can reveal particulars. They are often more informal and spontaneous than regular posts, which can lead to a decline in anonymity.
  • Frequent Locations: If an account posts stories or highlights from specific locations, they may provide clues about the account holder’s geographic location.

2. Followers and query followers

Followers and Networks of Followers A follower account can provide important insight into the person behind it.


  • Identify Mutual Friends: Check if this fake account is following people you know or have mutual friends with you. Mutual connections can be a valuable source of information.
  • Thoughtful Inquiry: Approach interpersonal relationships thoughtfully. They may be able to provide information or identify patterns you may have missed.

Follower Analysis

  • Check Followers: Monitor the profile of an account’s followers and the accounts they follow. Look for patterns or connections to particular social circles or regions.
  • Common Patterns: Identify any common patterns among followers. For example, if many followers are from a specific geographic area, this can indicate the account holder’s location.

3. Check linked accounts

Many people use the same username or profile pictures on different social media platforms. This can be a useful way to identify the person behind a fake Instagram account.

  • Find Usernames: Find similar usernames on other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others. This can sometimes lead to a less anonymous account with more personal information.
  • Profile Picture Matching: View the same profile picture on different platforms. It can confirm whether the same person runs multiple accounts.

Profile Pictures

  • Reverse Image Search: Use a tool like Google Images or TinEye to do a reverse image search of a profile picture. This can help you find other examples of the image online, potentially leading to the original source.

Reverse image searches can be a powerful tool for finding the origin of photos used in profiles.

Using Google Images

  • Upload Image: Go to, click on camera icon and upload profile picture or any unique image from account. Google will find other examples of images on the web.
  • Analyze Results: Review search results to see if the image appears elsewhere. It may take you to other profiles or websites that may provide more information.

Using TinEye

  • TinEye Tool: Visit, upload image and check results. TinEye specializes in finding out where an image has been used online, which can help you track other uses of a profile picture.

5. Direct Messaging

Connecting directly to a fake account can sometimes provide additional clues, but this approach should be handled with care.

Engage carefully

  • Subtle Questions: Send a message to the account and ask subtle questions that can reveal personal details without suspicion. For example, inquire about common interests or shared experiences.
  • Analyze Responses: Pay close attention to the style, timing and content of their responses. Differences in language, response time, and information shared can provide indirect clues about their identity.

6. Report on Instagram

If a fake account is involved in harmful activities such as impersonation or harassment, reporting it to Instagram is a serious step.

Reporting Procedure

  • Navigate to profile: Go to fake account profile.
  • Report: Tap the three dots in the upper right corner, select “Report” and follow the instructions to specify a problem such as impersonation or harassment.
  • Provide Evidence: When reporting, provide as much evidence as possible, including screenshots, URLs and detailed descriptions of the problem.

7. Use Third-Party Tools and Services

Many online tools and services can help gather additional information about a fake account.

Whois Lookup

  • Linked Websites: If the fake account has a linked website, do a Whois lookup to get information about the domain registration. It may sometimes reveal the registrant’s name and contact information.

Online investigation tools

  • Investigation Services: Consider using tools like Spokeo, Pipl or Social Catfish for additional information. These services aggregate data from various sources to help identify online identities. Use these tools with caution, as they may have limitations and privacy concerns.

In cases of significant harm or legal violations, legal authorities may need to be involved.

Consult a lawyer

  • Legal Advice: Consult an attorney to understand your legal options if the account results in significant damages such as defamation, harassment, or identity theft.
  • Create Documentation: Gather all relevant documents including screenshots, correspondence and any evidence you have collected.

Law enforcement

  • File a Complaint: Contact local law enforcement to file a complaint. They may cooperate with Instagram and use legal processes to obtain information that is not publicly available.


  • Get a subpoena: In serious cases, a lawyer can help you get a subpoena from Instagram to provide registration details, IP addresses and activity logs related to the account.

9. Private Investigator

When other methods fail, hiring a private investigator can be a viable option.

Appointing an investigator

  • Professional Help: Consider hiring a private investigator if the situation is serious and other methods have failed. Private investigators specialize in finding digital footprints and uncovering hidden identities.
  • Evaluate Credentials: Make sure the investigator has experience with online cases and a good track record.

Tips for protection and documentation

Document everything

  • Keep Records: Keep a detailed record of all interactions, including account screenshots, message exchanges, and any interactions with Instagram or legal authorities.
  • Organize Evidence: Keep your evidence organized and accessible in case you need to present it to law enforcement or a lawyer.

Avoid direct confrontation

  • Proceed with caution: Avoid confronting the fake account holder directly, as this may escalate the situation. Instead, gather evidence carefully and consult with a professional if necessary.
  • Seek Advice: Before taking any direct action, consult a legal professional or digital security expert.

Secure your information

  • Privacy Settings: Make sure your social media privacy settings are strict. Limit the information you share publicly and be careful about accepting friend requests from unknown accounts.
  • Monitor Activity: Monitor your online presence regularly and be alert for any suspicious activity related to your accounts.


Identifying the person behind a fake Instagram account is a complex and multifaceted process. By following the detailed steps outlined in this guide, you can systematically gather information and increase your chances of uncovering the identity behind a fake account. Always prioritize your safety and privacy throughout the investigation and consider seeking professional help if the situation becomes serious or requires legal action.

Can You Trace Someone Instagram?

Tracking someone on Instagram involves finding their account through known information such as their name, username, email or phone number. If you’re looking for a specific person, you can use the search function in Instagram:

1. Search by Username: Enter their username directly into the Instagram search bar.
2. Search by real name: Type their full name in the search bar.
3. Phone Contacts: Sync your phone contacts with Instagram to find users in your contact list.
4. Mutual Friends: See the following list of followers or mutual friends.
5. Email/Phone Number: Use the “Discover People” feature that can suggest users based on your contact information.

For privacy and ethical reasons, avoid using unauthorized tools or services to locate someone.

How To Find IP Address From Instagram Profile?

Due to privacy and security measures, it is not possible to find the IP address of an Instagram profile directly through the app or website. However, here are some methods that people can use:

1. Direct Communication: Engage the user in a chat and send them a link to a website you control. Use web server logs to check the IP address of visitors.
2. Phishing: (Not recommended or legal) This involves tricking the user into clicking on a link that records their IP address.
3. Lawful Request: Law enforcement may request IP information from Instagram with an appropriate warrant or lawful request.

Always ensure that your actions comply with legal and ethical standards.

Can You Hide Your IP From Instagram?

Yes, you can hide your IP from Instagram using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or proxy server. These tools mask your real IP address by routing your internet traffic through a different server.

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